






Alison Brennan

Alison Brennan

CEC 2025 Co-Chair

Dalhousie University

Industrial Engineering

Email: [email protected]

Upcoming CEC

Upcoming CEC

CEC 2025

Dates: March 14th to 17th, 2025
Host: Dalhousie University – Sexton
Theme: The Ethical Engineer
Website: TBD
LinkedIn: TBD
Instagram: TBD

Carter McNeil

Carter McNeil

CEC 2025 Co-Chair

Dalhousie University

Electrical Engineering

Email: [email protected]


The Canadian Engineering Competition (CEC) is the only annual CFES student-run competition run at that year’s respective host school. CEC brings together over 200 of the most innovative and creative engineering undergraduate students from across the nation to compete against each other in eight categories (Junior Design, Senior Design, Innovative Design, Engineering Consulting, Parliamentary Debate, Re-engineering, Programming, and Engineering Communication). Each competition category at CEC challenges its participants to expand their frame of reference and to identify solutions to problems experienced by our profession.

CEC is a highly selective competition. Those invited must first best their peers at their own intra-school competition, and then must achieve a top performance at their respective regional competition. They are:

The competition represents a valuable opportunity for industry participation and support, and sponsors and contributors propose real-world case studies for competition themes. The judges are drawn from related industry fields, or academia, and share their experiences with the competitors throughout the weekend as they network with the top up-and-coming engineers.

For more information on CEC and on the other conferences the CFES has to offer, please reach out to our VP Services at [email protected].


In the JUNIOR DESIGN CATEGORY, you will be given a real-world problem and must work within limiting time and budget constraints to design, create, and test a physical prototype of their proposed solution. As the competitors are just beginning their engineering studies, concepts will be based off a general level of engineering knowledge, such as forces, mechanics, etc.

Eligibility: You must be in the first two years of your degree programs to compete in this category.

In the SENIOR DESIGN CATEGORY, you will be given a real-world problem and must work within limiting time and budget constraints to design, create, and test a physical prototype of their proposed solution. As the competitors are near the completion of their engineering studies, concepts they may need in their design can span a variety of disciplines.

Eligibility: You must be in the third year or later of your degree programs to compete in this category.

In the INNOVATIVE DESIGN CATEGORY, you will combine your creativity and knowledge to develop new technological designs or improve upon existing ones. The research and ideas developed are done outside of the competition, which you’ll present a high-quality display to the judges. Your professional presentation should demonstrate the technical, social, environmental, and economic impact of your design.

Eligibility: Competitors in all years of engineering studies are able to compete in this category.

In the ENGINEERING CONSULTING CATEGORY, you will design a detailed solution to a large-scale engineering problem. The proposal must be made in a way that promotes the solution to the client. Competitors must demonstrate technical knowledge and skills, and evaluate the economic, environmental, political, and social implications of their proposed solutions in order to best address the requirements of the customer.

Eligibility: Competitors in all years of engineering studies are able to compete in this category.

In the PARLIAMENTARY DEBATE CATEGORY, you will defend or refute a previously undisclosed resolution using the format of parliamentary debate. Subjects for debate will relate to the fields of engineering and science, or those that is within relation or interest pertaining to engineers and engineering students. You preferably have a broad knowledge of engineering concepts and their impact on society, and have an ability to rationalize decisions quickly and concisely.

Eligibility: Competitors in all years of engineering studies are able to compete in this category.

In the RE-ENGINEERING CATEGORY, you will be encouraged to use creativity and innovation in order to redesign an existing product or process either to improve its functionality or to adapt it for a completely new purpose. You will be judged based on functionality, practicality, feasibility, and marketability.

Eligibility: Competitors in all years of engineering studies are able to compete in this category.

In the PROGRAMMING CATEGORY, you will be challenged to make an industry-quality software to solve a given problem. The software will be presented to the judges for evaluation.

Eligibility: Competitors in all years of engineering studies are able to compete in this category.

In the ENGINEERING COMMUNICATION CATEGORY, explain an applicable process or issue of your choice, and form a coherent argument that clearly identifies its social, economical, technological, and environmental impacts. Your explanation should be aimed at catering to an audience of various technological backgrounds.

Eligibility: Competitors in all years of engineering studies are able to compete in this category.